
import { assert } from "tsafe/assert";

declare const x: number | string;

assert(typeof x === "string");

x.toLowerCase(); //<= Here TypeScript knows that x is a string

The classic assert function, it takes a value as input, if the value is falsy it throws or else it does nothing. Functionally it can be summed up to this:

function assert(condition) {
	if (!condition) {
		throw new Error();

Typewise however, it takes advantage of the asserts condition statement. If you pass a type guard as value TypeScript can make inference on what happens after the assert instruction.

Assertion on types

Assert can also be used to confirm assertion on types.

You can for example test if a type extends another by doing:

import { assert } from "tsafe/assert";

type A = "foo" | "bar";
type B = "foo" | "bar" | "baz";

//You will get red squiggly lines if A does not extend B
assert<A extends B ? true : false>;

The main usecase assert<Equals<A, B>>:

assert + is

Error thrown

When the value is falsy assert throws an instance of AssertionError. Assertion error, extends Error and can be imported like this:

import { AssertionError } from "tsafe/assert";

A specific error message can be passed as second argument to the assert function.

import { assert, AssertionError } from "tsafe/assert";

try {
	assert(false, "foo bar baz");
} catch (error) {
	console.log(error instanceof AssertionError); // true
	console.log(error.message); // Wrong assertion encountered: "foo bar baz"
	// Access the original message
	console.log(error.originalMessage); // foo bar baz

The message can be a string or callback that returns a string. This is useful when the message is costly to create.

import { assert, AssertionError } from "tsafe/assert";

let called = false;
const getMessage = () => {
	// Do some expensive logic
	called = true;
	return "foo bar baz"

try {
	assert(true, getMessage)
	console.log(called) // false, getMessage has not been called yet
	assert(false, getMessage);
} catch (error) {
	console.log(called) // true, getMessage has been called
	console.log(error instanceof AssertionError); // true
	console.log(error.message); // Wrong assertion encountered: "foo bar baz"

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