⚙️How to import

Recommended way to import tsafe


On the browser bundle size must be kept in check, it is best to only import what you'll use.

import { assert } from "tsafe/assert";
import { typeGuard } from "tsafe/typeGuard";
//Type can be imported from the index
import type { ReturnType } from "tsafe";

CLI Runtime

If you are in Node or on Deno, bundle size is irrelevant, you should use a single import.


import { assert, typeGuard } from "tsafe";
import type { ReturnType } from "tsafe";



export { assert, typeGuard } from "https://deno.land/x/tsafe@v0.7.3/mod.ts";
export type { ReturnType } from "https://deno.land/x/tsafe@v0.7.3/mod.ts";
import { assert, typeGuard } from "./deps.ts";
import type { ReturnType } from "./deps.ts";

Last updated